Isaiah 41

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Isaiah 41:19b-20

I will set junipers in the wasteland,
the fir and the cypress together,
20 so that people may see and know,
may consider and understand,
that the hand of the Lord has done this,
that the Holy One of Israel has created it.

Observation - What does it say?

God is contrasting himself with the idols of the nations. He points out that the idols are worthless and detestable, and so is anyone who chooses them (vs 24). But God on the other hand causes big thirsty trees to grow and thrive in desert places and wastelands where those species would never be able to grow otherwise. And as a result people will see these trees thriving, and the only explanation will be that God did it.

Understanding - What does it mean?

God causes things to thrive where they would otherwise be unable to survive, so people will see and give him praise.

I was standing in front of an old pew in a worship service several years ago. I was trying to join in with the congregation in singing, but I was distracted. I had been going through a difficult season where I had been butting heads with the leadership in the church (before my time at DSC). I was discouraged and frustrated and the last thing I felt like doing was worshiping.

I thought to myself as I stood there, “I don’t even want to be here. I bet if I was in a different church or situation that I would be so much more effective in ministry. Yea, if I was somewhere else things would be totally different, way better.” But, before I could dream any more about the grass on the other side of the fence, God stopped me. I heard him distinctly say to me,

“Where you are can never be an excuse for your relationship with me.” He continued, “You will be you no matter where I place you. If you set yourself on fire for me, you will start fires wherever you are.”

It’s easy to blame our circumstances or those around us, but where we are can never be an excuse for our fruitfulness. Just as he causes trees to thrive in the desert, God causes his followers to bear fruit in the harshest seasons, to thrive even in the most difficult situations and to shine in the darkest places. Regardless of where we are, Jesus’ words are always true:

John 15:5  “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

Life Application

Stop making excuses and abide in Jesus.

Then I will be fruitful and God will get glory!

Once again, I find myself getting excited about our 28 Days of Prayer and Fasting! I can’t wait to see the fruit that comes as a result of us pressing into God together and abiding in him.

God, thank you that you cause us to thrive and to be fruitful in the harshest situations! We give you the difficult situations this morning and choose to trust you. Help us to abide in you and to lean on you when things are difficult so we can bear lots of good fruit. And, when people see our joy, peace and other good fruit may they recognize it could only be because of your work in our lives. Amen.
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Isaiah 42


Isaiah 40