Isaiah 42

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ScriptureIsaiah 42:20“You have seen many things, but you pay no attention;your ears are open, but you do not listen.”Observation - What does it say?Speaking against Israel, God points out that they had seen him at work and heard him speak to them, yet they didn’t pay attention. Instead of looking to the great things God had done and putting their trust in him, instead of taking his words to heart and living in obedience to him, they sinned and had turned to idols. When it came to their daily living and decision-making, they didn’t take into consideration what God had done and said. As a result, they alone suffered as God gave them over to their enemies.Understanding - What does it mean?Think of someone you love with all your heart. Imagine you spend years and years doing everything you can to show them you love them. You are there every time they are in need, you tell them often how much you love them, you sacrifice your time and resources over and over again to show them your love. Although it's not realistic, imagine that in this relationship you never wronged them once or left them hanging, you never did anything to them you regretted or needed to apologize for. You were the perfect friend. Then imagine that after all those years they turn their back on you. They tell you that they don't really love you and that they don't really believe you truly love them. The words sink in deep as you remember all the ways you had shown and expressed your love. Imagine the hurt and pain that would cause you. ...This is what Israel had done to God.
When God reveals himself to people through protecting, providing and doing miracles, and when he speaks to them through his word, he expects them to pay attention. He expects them to respond by trusting in his love for them and by worshiping him only. When they don’t, they alone suffer.

When God acts and speaks, he expects us to pay attention!It would be good for us to follow the example of the psalmist, and the encouragement of the prophet Samuel:Psalm 143:5 I remember the days of long ago; I meditate on all your works and consider what your hands have done.1 Samuel 12:24 But be sure to fear the LORD and serve him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things he has done for you.Life ApplicationMeditate on what God has done and said, and respond in worship and obedience.

God, thank you for all you’ve done for us! Thank you for all the times you have miraculously provided, for the times you have protected us from harm and for the healings and other miracles I have witnessed with my own eyes. I worship you for all you have done and I put my trust in you. You are worthy of my life and of all the time, talent and treasure you’ve entrusted me with. As we go about our week, remind us what you’ve done for us and spoken through your word, and may it lead to us living lives that honor you and bring you glory. Amen.
As we spend time preparing for our 28 Days of Prayer and Fasting next month, it would be good for us to take some time to meditate on all God has done for us. He is worthy of all we could sacrifice during those 28 days, and more!
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Isaiah 43


Isaiah 41