Isaiah 45

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ScriptureIsaiah 45:19I have not said to Jacob’s descendants,‘Seek me in vain.’I, the Lord, speak the truth;I declare what is right.Observation - What does it say?God declares through the prophet Isaiah his faithfulness to Israel and to upholding every word he has spoken. He hasn’t asked Israel to seek him only to hide himself and leave them frustrated and alone. Rather, he grants everlasting salvation and a glorious inheritance to those who have sought him.Understanding - What does it mean?Seeking God is never a waste of time.Although we strive to remember and celebrate daily, God’s faithfulness to answer us, Christmas is a day we especially celebrate the ultimate answer God gave to a broken and sin-stained world: the gift of his Son. We celebrate today the fact that God is faithful to his promises, and faithful to answer us when we cry out to him.The people of Israel cried out to God as they were in slavery in Egypt and he answered by sending Moses to deliver them from slavery and take them to the Promised Land. In the same way, mankind cried out to God in their slavery to sin and he answered by sending Jesus to deliver them and us from slavery and to eventually takes us into the land he promised us, heaven. His faithfulness to his promise to send Jesus 2,000 years ago is proof that he will be faithful to his promise to come again and take us to the place he has been preparing for us.And, if God has been faithful to give the greatest gift and sacrifice by giving his son, wont he be faithful to answer us when we seek him for the daily challenges we face in this life? Our seeking and working for the Lord is never in vain!Romans 8: 32 He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all--how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?Jeremiah 29:13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.1 Corinthians 15:58 Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.Life ApplicationSet aside more time today to seek God. And when I pray, pray with faith that it’s not a waste of time because God will answer!Not only today, but I’m looking forward to seeking God together for our 28 Days of Prayer and Fasting in January! It’s not a waste of time, but rather the most effective way we could spend our time! Please check out the Prayer and Fasting Manual and plan to join us in lifting prayers and worship to God that will usher in his presence and kingdom in our lives!God, thank you for your faithfulness! You have been faithful from the beginning and you will be faithful to the end. Thank you for your goodness, that you don’t ask us to seek you in vain, but so that we can find you. We remember today your faithfulness to send Jesus. We look forward to the day you come again. And while we wait, we choose to seek you for your will to be done in our lives and in the earth. Amen. To check out the discussion or to join in click here.

Isaiah 46


Isaiah 44