Isaiah 46

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ScriptureIsaiah 46:9Remember the former things, those of long ago;I am God, and there is no other;I am God, and there is none like me.Observation - What does it say?Once again, God is reminding Israel of how silly idols are. In particular, the so called gods of Babylon. Men find some material on the ground and craft an idol out of it. Although they cry out to it, it cannot answer or save them from troubles. God on the other hand is the complete opposite – not only alive but the source of life, all-powerful and the sustainer of every living thing. God declares that there is no other. He has no equal, there is none beside him or above him. He alone is God.Understanding - What does it mean?There is no adequate substitute for God. There is no substitute! God is not one of many options, one of many worthy pursuits, one of many things that satisfy, one among others who created the earth, and Jesus isn’t just one of many paths to eternal life. There is nothing that can take his place in any way.
When there is anything we turn to for help, that we pursue, that we worship, that we look to for fulfillment besides God, it's like we're settling for a really bad knock-off of a good product, a kindergardner's attempt to recreate the Mona Lisa with finger-paints when we’re offered the real thing, or trying to satisfy your thirst with salt water. It’s foolishness! Just as a gas engine cannot run off of diesel fuel, God designed us to run off of the fuel of himself. The great Christian thinker and author, C.S. Lewis, said, “God himself is the fuel we were meant to burn.” And, the human machine can run successfully on no other.

Life ApplicationWhere have I been turning to a God-substitute instead of to God himself? When I have the answer, lay that thing down and choose God instead!

Our 28 days of Prayer and Fasting is a great opportunity to show God that he is our God and there is no other in our lives. It’s an opportunity to lay down the things we look to for satisfaction and sustenance – food, entertainment, tv and music, etc – and seek God instead. When we fast those things we are demonstrating, not just saying, that God alone satisfies and we choose to look to him instead of those things.
God, forgive us for turning to substitutes. Forgive me for choosing naps over prayer and choosing tv with my wife over reading the Bible with my wife. Nothing satisfies, fulfills, protects or provides like you do! Please help us to turn to you alone! We recognize this morning that you are God and there is no other. Amen.
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Isaiah 47


Isaiah 45