Isaiah 47

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ScriptureIsaiah 47:14They cannot even save themselvesfrom the power of the flame.Observation - What does it say?Isaiah continues his prophecy against Babylon. They will soon discover that they had misplaced their trust in many things – their idols, sorceries and spells, wisdom, knowledge and astrologers – while failing to put their trust in the only One who has power to save them. The astrologers who look at the stars and make their predictions cannot save the Babylonians with their counsel. They can’t even save themselves!Understanding - What does it mean?Don’t rely on people to save you who can’t even save themselves.Astrology may not be something common for us to put our trust in. But, there are those in our lives who may and it’s important we understand what the Bible teaches about it. Astrology is a false religion, a belief that doesn’t save or benefit it’s followers. Like Babylon, everyone who trusts astrologers and their predictions will one day come to recognize that they have been in error (verse 15). Not only is it powerless to benefit or save those who trust it, astrology is an idol and distraction from the one true God.Whether it’s astrologers, psychics, political or economic analysts, a close friend or parent, none of them are able to save or provide guidance like our God. It’s our privilege and responsibility to not only model complete reliance on God, but to encourage others who are in error to repent and turn to God. Salvation comes by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. Guidance comes from God alone, through scripture and the godly men and women around us who are in relationship with him.Life ApplicationLook for opportunities to encourage people to trust in Jesus.
When people around me mention the trust they have put in counsel other than God’s, rather than keeping my beliefs to myself I choose to show them their error. Not out of pride, but out of love for them and a desire for them to know the truth.
God, bring people across my path who are in error. Use me to expose the truth of their error, your greatness, and your ability to save and guide them. Give me the words to say and may the power of the Holy Spirit work in their hearts and bring them to repentance and faith in you. Amen.
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Isaiah 48


Isaiah 46