Exodus 20

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ScriptureExodus 20:21The people remained at a distance, while Moses approached the thick darkness where God was.Observation - What does it say?I wish I could have been there to see this! As the Israelites gathered around the foot of Mt. Sinai, God descended in the form of a thick cloud on top of the mountain. There was thunder and lightning and a loud trumpet blast. Then God spoke from the mountain all the 10 Commandments. After speaking to them, the people were terrified and asked Moses to tell God to stop talking. Fearful, they stayed at a distance but Moses approached God.Understanding - What does it mean?Those God uses in significant ways are the ones who don’t stay at a distance!In Israel’s case, they were actually commanded to stay at a distance. Fear was part of the reason they didn’t step closer, and the other was obedience to God’s command. Moses was the only one permitted to approach God on the mountain. But today, every Christian has been given unlimited access to the throne of God! God invites every believer to draw near to him.Hebrews 4:16Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.
Under the New Covenant, everyone can approach God with confidence! Yet we still see the same thing among Christians today as in Israel thousands of years ago. The majority, whether by preference or some other reason, stay at a distance – Sunday morning Christians, those who look to check religious activity boxes in attempt to stay on God’s good side, those who don’t really strive to enjoy him, know him and please him every moment of every day. But the few who will approach God and pursue intimacy with him are the ones who, like Moses, are used by God to reveal his power and glory to the world. Those who prefer drawing near to God than any other thing are the ones who will change their generation for Christ.
I don’t want to be satisfied remaining at a distance. It may feel safer and more comfortable to watch on the perimeter, but even if everyone else stays at a distance I want to be closer to God!

Life ApplicationGo after God!

God, may we at Desert Streams be like Moses. Even if everyone else is content being at a distance, may we be ones that approach you! We want more of you, whatever it costs! Keep us from waiting for someone else to pioneer the way. May we make up our minds to be the pioneers, to set the example and show others what it looks like to seek you and abide in you. Amen.
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Exodus 21


Exodus 19