Exodus 21

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ScriptureExodus 21:15,1715 “Anyone who attacks their father or mother is to be put to death.17 “Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death.Observation - What does it say?God is giving his commands to the Israelites outlining the way he desires his people to live. Part of his instruction is to kill anyone who attacks or curses their father or mother. The most significant thing I observed reading it this time is that there is no age cut off for honoring our parents.Understanding - What does it mean?God is passionate about his people honoring their parents.Thankfully we are under the new covenant and don’t kill rebellious children anymore, otherwise I wouldn’t be here today... And my son might not be either. But our unchanging God isn’t any less serious about us honoring our parents today than when he gave this command.Jesus called out the religious leaders who were using the excuse that they were giving to God so they couldn’t give to support their parents. Then the Apostle Paul reminded the Ephesian church…Ephesians 6:1-3Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Honor your father and mother”—which is the first commandment with a promise— “so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.”There is no “when you turn 18” clause under that command. Honoring our parents is the command whether we are 4 years old or 40+ years old. Yet in our American culture youth are taught, and it’s enforced by their parents, that parents are responsible for their kids only until they are 18 and we only have to honor our parents until we are 18. "Come 18, I’m going to get that tattoo and date that girl because my parents wont be able to tell me what to do anymore." The tragedy is that this is the common way of thinking not just for unbelievers but for most of the Christians I know!Although there comes a time where children become adults and begin having to take full responsibility for their lives and decisions, adulthood doesn’t mean we do what we want and God no longer cares about us honoring our parents. Before we are 18 we honor and obey because we have to, but after we have the opportunity to honor and obey because we want to and see it as an opportunity to honor God.Life ApplicationRegardless of my age, honor my parents!
Holy Spirit, show us what it looks like to honor our parents in this present season of our lives. Please reveal to us the ways we’ve allowed our culture to press us into its mold. Reveal any ways I haven’t been honoring to my parents and help me to change. I want to honor you by honoring them. Amen.
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Exodus 22


Exodus 20