Exodus 40

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ScriptureExodus 40:38So the cloud of the Lord was over the tabernacle by day, and fire was in the cloud by night, in the sight of all the Israelites during all their travels.Observation - What does it say?Once they completed the assembly of the tabernacle a cloud descended and covered it and the glory of the Lord filled it. Continually, from this moment on, the cloud remained on the tabernacle. The cloud was visible during the day and there were flames of fire in the cloud at night.Understanding - What does it mean?God dwells with his people.
The ‘glory cloud’ was a visible manifestation of God’s constant presence with his people. The tabernacle and cloud represented God with Israel. You see the tabernacle in Jesus, when John 1 says that he made his dwelling among us. And then at Pentecost the Holy Spirit was poured out and he now dwells within every believer. This is so amazing! This is the kind of God we serve. He draws near to his people and dwells among them continually, wherever they are.

When God first encountered me, he drained me of all my hopelessness, anger, sadness and pain and he replaced it with a love and joy so great I can’t explain it with words! In that moment, I realized that God isn’t ‘out there somewhere’ doing his own thing, but he is real, he loves me, and he wants to be intimately involved in my life! Since that day my life has never been the same. Life with the presence of God means I have assurance that he will provide, protect and guide me. It means I can have peace and joy even when the circumstances around me are crumbling. Why? Because I'm not alone!

The Psalmist recognized and declared, The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.” (Psalm 145:18) And, "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble." (Psalm 46:1)Jesus promised his disciples, “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”  (Matthew 28:20)

Life ApplicationBe aware of God’s closeness to me today.

God, thank you that you are with us! You are closer to us than the glory cloud was to the people of Israel. Thank you for your constant presence with us, for dwelling with us, despite our imperfections and weaknesses. Thank you for your great love! Help us to grow in our awareness of your closeness to us today. Amen.
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Acts 1


Exodus 39