Hebrews 6
ScriptureHebrews 6:12We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.Observation - What does it say?God gives us some advice regarding his promises. Do we have a role to play in making sure we inherit what God has promised? Or are they just automatic? He implies here that we have a critical role to play. Either we can have faith and patience or we can be lazy. Faith and patience will lead to us inheriting what he has promised. Laziness will keep us from inheriting what he has promised.Understanding - What does it mean?God’s promises belong not to the lazy but to those who have faith and patience.Faith and patience aren’t passive. Faith and patience doesn't mean sitting back and saying, "I believe God will do what he says and so I'm just waiting here in this seat until it happens." Faith and patience imply action. The writer of Hebrews goes on to use the example of Abraham patiently waiting in faith for the promise that he would be a father. In his case, patiently waiting in faith meant that for years he continued to try to get his wife pregnant. Sleeping with Sarah despite their very old age was the action that demonstrated his patient faith. If he gave up and stopped sleeping with his wife, there would have been no fulfillment of the promise.There is always a waiting period between the promise and the fulfillment. And experiencing the fulfillment is only for those who work toward pursuing those promises with patient faith.Life ApplicationDon’t give up! And don’t be lazy! Work!What does it look like for me to do my part in pursuing God’s promises?
God, thank you so much for your faithfulness to your word. Help us learn to patiently wait and not waver in our faith. Help us to enjoy the waiting time and to be filled with hope and joy in the midst of the process. Show us our part, our role to play, and help us not to be lazy regarding your promises. We want to experience the fullness of what you intend! Amen.
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