Hebrews 7

ScriptureHebrews 7:27Unlike the other high priests, he does not need to offer sacrifices day after day, first for his own sins, and then for the sins of the people. He sacrificed for their sins once for all when he offered himself.Observation - What does it say?Why don’t we still offer sacrifices like they did in the Old Testament? Why don’t we have the Old Testament priesthood in place anymore?Because Jesus is the ultimate High Priest! He is greater than any priest before him because he lives forever, he is perfect, and he himself became the sacrifice once and for all! When he died on the cross, he made payment for every sin committed – past, present and future. And when he rose from the dead, he rose to be our High Priest forever.Understanding - What does it mean?There is no longer any need for a sacrifice, because Jesus’ sacrifice was sufficient.There is no longer any need for another priest to mediate between God and man because Jesus is our High Priest forever!
It’s all about Jesus! He is the only way to the Father, the only mediator God accepts, the only means by which we can be reconciled to God, and the only one worthy of all our worship. He spared our lives by painfully laying down his own, and he lives forever to intercede for us.
For anyone to think they could make themselves more acceptable to God by doing good deeds would be to diminish what Jesus did on the cross. It's like slapping Jesus in the face. Feeling guilty about your sinful past and trying to make up for it by doing good deeds is like saying, "Jesus, what you did on the cross wasn't enough and so I'm going to add to it by doing some good deeds. Then God will really love and accept me." No! Jesus' sacrifice was sufficient! We obey God not so he will accept us and love us, but because we are grateful that because of Jesus he already does.

Life ApplicationWorship Jesus! Thank God for the blessing of Jesus and for life under the New Covenant.God, thank you so much for the sacrifice of your son! Jesus we worship you today and recognize that you alone provide the way for us to be saved. You alone died for us. You alone were able to pay the price for our sins and you were willing to do it. We stand in awe of you today and worship. Amen.To check out the discussion or to join in click here.


Day 1 - A Minute on Faith


Hebrews 6