1 Samuel 2

Scripture1 Samuel 2: 6-9“The Lord brings death and makes alive; he brings down to the grave and raises up. The Lord sends poverty and wealth; he humbles and he exalts. He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; he seats them with princes and has them inherit a throne of honor.“For the foundations of the earth are the Lord’s; on them he has set the world.ObservationHannah is praying. In thanksgiving and reverence she is speaking to God...giving thanks for who He is and recognizing Him as the source for all things.Understanding
Recognizing God as the source of all things will shift your perspective.
While wealth may easily attributed to God’s abundance and blessing, few would consider poverty as “sent” by God.  While life may be easily attributed to being provided by God, perhaps less accepted is that the Lord “brings death.”  (Of course there are other factors that bring both poverty and death – and many include the fact that evil also exists in this world in the form of the enemy seeking to steal, kill and destroy.) But when we look at God as the source of ALL things and give Him credit, understanding that “the foundations of the earth are” His, that He is in control and that ALL things work together for good for those who love Him (Romans 8:28) there’s a certain peace that comes.  No matter what life seemingly throws at us, we can praise Him and glorify Him and know that He has set the world on the foundations that He set. 

Life Application

Dear God, in a time of so much hurt and death and loss, it’s sometimes hard to see or understand that you are still in control. And, I find at these times especially that those – both lost and saved – begin to question, doubt or even turn away from you.  As we recognize you as the source of all things, help us to continue to trust you, to find peace in knowing you have a bigger, better plan and to exemplify the peace that knowledge brings.  May we never cease in praising you – regardless of the circumstances around us.  May our peace and praise be contagious and refreshing to those around us and may you use us to guide questioning hearts back to you.  Amen. 
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1 Samuel 3


1 Samuel 1