1 Samuel 3

Scripture1 Samuel 3:1, 10
1The boy Samuel ministered before the Lord under Eli. In those days the word of the Lord was rare; there were not many visions... 10 The Lord came and stood there, calling as at the other times, “Samuel! Samuel!” Then Samuel said, “Speak, for your servant is listening.”

Observation - What does it say?As a young boy, Samuel served God. In a dark season where the priesthood had been marred by the many sins of the priests (Eli’s sons) and people didn’t hear from God often, God broke the silence by speaking to the child Samuel.Understanding - What does it mean?God delights in revealing himself to, and through, children.

I love the example of Samuel that children can minister before the Lord and that the Lord speaks clearly to and through children! There is no age requirement, no "you must be this tall to ride" marker in the kingdom. In Samuel and Eli's case, the younger became a spiritual leader to the older.
Jesus himself said the kingdom belongs to the children! 
Matthew 19:14 Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

My father in-law struggled with arthritis for years in his hands and feet. And one day, he mentioned his feet in particular were in a lot of pain. So I had my 3-year-old son pray for him. Noah put his hand on my father in-law’s foot and repeated after me, “Jesus… Please heal Papa’s feet… Take away all the pain… In Jesus’ name, Amen.” “Woah,” my father in-law said with eyes welling up. “All the pain is gone!”During the Azusa Street revival there are many documented healings that resulted from children praying; 8 and 9-year-old girls placing their hands on people, praying, and seeing them get out of wheelchairs or receiving their sight. God demonstrated through scripture and continues to demonstrate today his love for children, his desire for relationship with them and his desire to use them to minister to others.Life ApplicationTeach my children about serving God, hearing from him, and being used by him!I don’t want my kids to think that following Jesus is reserved for adults. I want it to be on their radar now! I want them to be like Samuel, serving and hearing God from their childhood.

God, thank you for entrusting me with children. Thank you for entrusting our church family with children. We recognize our responsibility to “let the little children come to you.” May we not hinder them, but openly share with them about you and teach them that they can hear your voice, serve you and be used by you. Pour out your Spirit upon our children! May we see them using the gifts of the Holy Spirit and hearing your voice and adoring you in worship. Reveal yourself to them. Amen.
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- Levi Thompson

1 Samuel 4


1 Samuel 2