2 Samuel 13

Scripture2 Samuel 13:13“‘What about me? Where could I get rid of my disgrace?  And what about you?  You would be like one of the wicked fools in Israel.  Please speak to the king; he will not keep me from being married to you.’ But he refused to listen to her, and since he was stronger than she, he raped her.”Observation-What does it say?Amnon fell in love with his sister Tamar, but was frustrated because he could not have her sexually, as she was a virgin. So, he resorted to manipulation and deception and raped her.  As a result, Absalom (Tamar and Amnon’s brother), became furious.  The anger he felt for his brother for disgracing their sister resulted in him killing Amnon 2 years later.Understanding-What does it mean?Sin always leads to no good and affects more than the individual who chooses to sin.God’s Word does not sugar coat anything.  In this chapter, we read of incest, rape and murder.  All these sins within the household of David resulted from a man’s desire to do what he wanted, not what God wanted.  Problems always happen when we become lord of our own lives. Innocent people suffer just as Tamar, David and the rest of the king’s sons did because of Amnon and Absalom’s sinful choices (see vs. 19 and vs. 36).Life ApplicationRom. 6:12-13-Do not let sin control the way you live; do not give in to sinful desires.  Do not let any part of your body become an instrument of evil to serve sin.  Instead, give yourselves completely to God, for you were dead, but now you have new life.  So, use your whole body as an instrument to do what is right for the glory of God.”
We ALL get tempted to sin.  Not even Jesus was exempt from temptation.  Despite being tempted, he remained above reproach and did not sin.  It's not the temptation that gets us into trouble, but what we do with it.
Holy Spirit, wash our minds and hearts to be only about You. Please help us take our thoughts captive, before desire gives birth to sin and innocent lives are destroyed  The sins of Amnon and Absalom all started out as thoughts.  Amnon’s unpure thoughts about his sister and then Absalom’s burning anger against Amnon led to desire, then premeditation to sin, then a plan to sin, and then the sin occurred.  I pray that my thought life would be in submission to You and my heart, soul, mind and strength would be Yours alone.  Please forgive me for the times I have not taken unpure thoughts captive right away.  I desire for my WHOLE being to be used as an instrument to do what is right in your sight for Your glory alone. (Rom. 6:13).  Amen.
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-Michelle Gaddi

2 Samuel 14


2 Samuel 12