2 Samuel 14


2 Samuel 14:9 (NKJV)

And the woman of Tekoa said to the king, “My lord, O king, let the iniquity be on me and on my father’s house, and the king and his throne be guiltless.”


In an effort to facilitate Absalom’s return from exile Joab enlists the help of a wise woman from Tekoa. Reminiscent of the strategy used by the prophet Nathan in confronting David regarding his sin with Bathsheba, Joab concocts a story for the woman to relay to David – the effect of which is to show David’s hypocrisy in being willing to offer forgiveness to the woman’s “guilty” fictitious son while being unwilling to offer the same to Absalom. After recognizing Joab’s hand in the matter, David relents and allows Absalom to return. David, however, does not allow Absalom to enter into his presence for two years. Bitter, impatient and unwilling to admit his sin, Absalom resorts to desperate measures (the burning of Joab’s fields) in order to gain an audience with the king. Though forgiven, Absalom is unrepentant and seeks the king’s favor only as a means by which he can usurp his throne.


The gospel is foreshadowed in the Old Testament and the entire Bible is the singular story of God’s redemptive plan for mankind through Christ.

A child is in exile because of sin. A father desires reconciliation but knows that the death penalty must be paid. When an innocent party intercedes and offers to take the guilt upon their head, the father relents and forgives. However, continued rebellion and unrepentance mars the relationship.

Sound familiar?

God found Himself in a similar dilemma as had David. God the Father was separated from His children due to sin, rebellion and unrepentance. God’s justice demanded that the penalty of the sin be paid. In order to spare his beloved children the death wages of sin, He sent His guiltless Son to pay the penalty on our behalf and satisfy the letter of the Law; opening up the door to forgiveness and restoration. Then, since we were dead in our sin - unable and unwilling to repent - God made us alive and gave us His Spirit that we might see how far short of His glory we had fallen and to lead us in conviction, confession and repentance so that full reconciliation could occur.

Life Application

God made reconciliation and relationship with Him possible through Christ. I experience the fullness of that gift through obedience and humility.

Only God, in His ultimate wisdom, could solve an apparently impossible dilemma. Jesus illustrated this truth when He likened the impossibility of someone who trusted in earthly riches entering the Kingdom of Heaven to the impossibility of a camel walking though the eye of a needle. I thank God that, as Jesus proclaimed, “…what is impossible with man is possible with God”.

Father, thank you that you made the impossibility of my salvation possible through Christ and The Cross. Thank you for satisfying the Law and the justice that your holiness demands  at your expense and not mine. Because you did so, I stand before you in unearned justification. In response to your grace and mercy, may I live as an obedient son who, when he sins against you and others, humbles himself and welcomes your counsel, correction and discipline.

Micah 6:8
He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
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Gary Parker

2 Samuel 15


2 Samuel 13