Judges 13
1. No eating of unclean foods or drinking any wine or fermented drink.
2. No razor is to touch his head.
3. Their son had to be set apart to God.
“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” Proverbs 22:6 NIV
We are responsible for raising our children up in the Lord and training them in righteousness. However, it starts with us first as their examples. Our choices makes an impact not only on us, but also our descendants after us. We must be pursuing righteousness and our lives must reflect obedience to the Lord; we must honor and respect God by choosing to be set apart from the world; we must choose to live lives of integrity; we must put Him first and teach our kids to do the same. Our calling as parents is huge. Whether it is our own kids or the kids He's given us spiritually to lead, we need His help with this great responsibility, as it is an impossible task without Him.
Dear Lord, I am reminded that You do not call us to a lazy/passive faith, but rather an active faith. As Your Word showed us, although Samson's destiny was great, his parents had a role in shaping that destiny. Please forgive me for the times when I don't take this calling seriously. You have blessed me with my children. They are truly gifts from You. I pray for Your constant help and wisdom as I raise them up. I pray that my choices would lead them to You and not away from You. I desire them to fulfill Your calling for their life and with Your help, commit to doing my part in it. Amen.