Judges 14
ScriptureJudges 14:4(His parents did not know that this was from the Lord, who was seeking an occasion to confront the Philistines; for at that time they were ruling over Israel.)Observation - What does it say?Because it would cause Israel to drift from him and be influenced to worship the false gods of other nations, God had commanded Israel not to intermarry with them. They were to be set apart and separate from the rest of the world as God’s chosen people. But, there was no stopping Samson when his eyes laid hold of a beautiful Philistine woman. He appeared to have no regard for the command of God and no respect for the the pleas of his parents to find a suitable woman within Israel. Dishonoring the command of God and desire of his parents, Samson pursues marriage with this foreign woman. However, in the midst of these things the Lord was orchestrating something greater.Understanding - What does it mean?
God, although not pleased with any sin, was pleased to use Samson’s bad choices to bring about the confrontation with the Philistines he was seeking. A few things that stand out to me in all of this:
- God’s activity in our lives is not his stamp of approval on our character. We can't be deceived into believing that the Lord coming upon Samson meant that he was condoning his actions. There have been many people who operated strongly in the gifts of healing or prophecy or words of knowledge but had lives of secret sin. Eventually, their secret lives were exposed and they lost their churches and influence. They had mistakenly believed that the gifts God had given them were evidence of his approval of their lifestyle.
- God works all things, including our sin, to accomplish his purposes (See Romans 8:28). Given my rebellious past, I have been asked many times if I wish I could go back in time and change things. And to be honest, my answer is always no. Although I’m not proud of my past, God has used it to shape who I am today, to reveal himself to me, and enable me to relate with others who are struggling with addictions and rebellion so I can point them to Christ.
- This truth is not a license for us to sin. Romans 6:1-2 1“What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase?2 By no means! We are those who have died to sin; how can we live in it any longer?
Life ApplicationTrust that God is using even the bad decisions and actions to accomplish his will.
God, you are sovereign! There is nothing and no one that can thwart God’s plans. Whether it's my falling short or those in political positions of authority making poor decisions, you are still God and working everything in conformity with the purpose of your will! God, thank you that when I fail, it doesn’t disqualify me. Thank you for your grace! Amen.
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- Levi Thompson