Galatians 1


ScriptureGalatians 1:1010 Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.Observation                                       Paul is speaking/writing to the churches of Galatia.  He reasserts appointment, character and mission.  He calls out the Galatians for “deserting the one who called [them] to live in the grace of Christ and…turning to a different gospel” (vs 6). He simplifies this choice of who to desert and who to follow to this question – who are they seeking approval from – man or God?UnderstandingThis question has been a grounding force in my life.  I’ve spent a majority of my life feeling like I haven’t “fit in.”  And, honestly, the times that I have had the thought “I’m finally fitting in,” I’ve been quickly reminded that that’s not my mission.  But if, as we approach life situations, we ask ourselves this one simple question – who am I seeking approval from in this situation? – chances are we will not veer far from His will.Also of note, this verse brings clarity to the fact that the approval of man and that of God are NOT synonymous.  Paul’s statement “If I were trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ” indicates to me that we can’t do both.  We can serve God OR we can serve the world…but we can’t do both.    Life ApplicationDear Lord, may I stay on mission! May I remember to serve YOU, not man…seek YOUR approval, not that of the world.  And may I find joy, confidence and peace in doing so.Amen.To check out the discussion or to join in click here.- Rei

Galatians 2

