Galatians 2
I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
14 years after receiving his commission to be an apostle to the gentiles, Paul visits with the leaders of the Jerusalem church, not to have his apostleship approved but to confirm that all were in agreement as to their respective calling and mission fields. Peter later meets Paul in Antioch where Paul challenges him concerning his hypocrisy when, during a visit by representatives of the Jerusalem church, Peter began to separate himself from gentile believers and insist that they follow Jewish dietary customs and rituals as a requirement of their faith. Paul reminds Peter of the central truth of the gospel, that salvation is by grace through faith alone and that no one will be justified by works.
I remember being arrested by Galatians 2:20 and realizing that it's truth was my only hope, considering how absolutely depraved my human heart is and how totally hopeless it is to try to produce anything good from that fallen condition. Scripture says that my human heart is deceitful above all things and that, as surely as sparks from a fire fly upward, so is my human heart inclined to evil all the time. This being so, how utterly futile and foolish is it for me to try to be righteous on my own merits. Can a fresh water spring produce salt water, or can a fig tree produce olives? I remember coming to the understanding that my only hope to live a life that was pleasing to God and that showed my love and gratitude for His saving a wretch like me is to reckon the old man as dead in order to allow Christ’s resurrection life to animate me. I need to stop trying to be righteous and realize that I already am righteous by virtue of being “In Christ” and to let His righteousness be revealed in me. My daily challenge is not to try to live a righteous life by my own effort but to live a life that is so crucified (dead) to the flesh that the life of the indwelling Holy Spirit is free to produce the fruit of righteousness in and through me. Christ clearly informs me of the impossibility of me, as merely a branch, ever producing fruit on my own and that my only hope is in abiding in the True Vine that can and does produce fruit through me. In recognizing this truth, I am free to focus on the one thing that God requires of me, that is to lay down my life, my will, my self, and my ego in order to allow Him to move in and through me.
Life Application