Matthew 11
Understanding - What does it mean?If we aren’t experiencing rest and relief from our burdens, it’s our own fault.Jesus has extended the invitation and promise; the ball is in our court. Unfortunately, too often we find ourselves weary and burdened but rather than responding to the invitation to come to Jesus, we seek alternative solutions (anything we turn to first, instead of Jesus, is an idol) – from alcohol and prescription drugs that numb, to other people we’ve developed a dependency on, to binge watching on Netflix, to long naps in the middle of the day.Ephesians 5:18 Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit,Someone once paraphrased this saying, “Don’t get drunk to forget your problems, get filled with the Spirit to conqueror your problems!" It may not be getting drunk, but fill in the blank with what you tend to turn to in effort to forget your problems. Why not come to Jesus and find true rest and true peace?Life ApplicationChoose to come to Jesus.As I write this, I’m feeling pretty overwhelmed and exhausted. It’s been a long week, lots of stuff going on that has been draining. And, as I look ahead there are some things happening over the several days that are weighing on my shoulders…. So this verse is really hitting home today.