Matthew 12
- We need accountability.
The Pharisees were out of control – leaning towards the extremes in how they chose to follow the commandments. Too loose or too strict, depending on what was to their benefit or to the end that resulted in their desired outcome. But neither extreme was to the benefit of God’s desired end result – relationship with their creator and the spreading of the gospel. So, they needed course correction.Like the Pharisees, we require course correction. Bummer for us, Jesus no longer physically walks this earth. BUT bonus for us, he’s placed us in our church family which is right here in Santa Clarita (not thousands miles away where Jesus did walk), where we can experience fellowship, accountability and some soul loving. However, we need to be obedient to engage, create those relationships, be transparent, etc.
- Where legalism exists, love dies and Satan/evil thrives.
Is there even one person who has read this that would side with Pharisees? Most human beings – probably even the not so nice ones – would read this and agree that Jesus did the “right” thing, the noble thing, the holy thing, the loving thing by providing healing…even though it was the Sabbath.
Life Application
They say what gets measured, improves. So, I challenge you (and I say this as much to you as I do to myself) to ask yourself these questions…then go to work at measuring and noting your progress.God, I thank you that you do not call me to rules, but to relationship. I thank you that you love me enough to have given me healthy boundaries and guidelines to live withing…AND an incredibly Christ-following family to help keep me accountable. Lord, I pray that I would honor you in the way that I follow your commandments and that I would do so in a way that brings others closer to you as well. In your name I pray, Amen.
- ReiAs side note. The first couple times I read through this, the verse(s) that stuck out most were v. 13 & 14. 13 Then he said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” So he stretched it out and it was completely restored, just as sound as the other. 14 But the Pharisees went out and plotted how they might kill Jesus.It reminded me that sometimes people just have their own agendas and, even as we do good, they may not. May we remember that we serve a God with the power to “hold [our] head up.” The world may not always accept us, but that should never be our end game.