https://www.biblestudytools.com/commentaries/matthew-henry-complete/james/2.htmlHow often do we make snap judgments? See people a certain way just because of where they live, how they live, how they look, how they speak, etc. About a year ago, I remember sitting on a plane. I spent the entire plane ride sitting next to a guy who’s look made reminded me of people I knew that were hard drug users. I didn’t avoid talking to him; but I didn’t engage with him either. Towards the end of the plane ride something caused us to begin a conversation. I learned that he was a yoga instructor that teaches yoga and meditation in jails as part of non-profit or business…and I really enjoyed our conversation. He gave me tips about best yoga and meditation for the kids. Shared some cool stories. I walked off the plane a little ashamed of myself. I had judged the book by its cover, so to speak. But it was a learning lesson…to be conscious of how I view people. Life ApplicationWhat if we were to see EVERYone as valuable creations of God?...and treat them that way. <3 God, thank you for leaving the 99 to chase after me. Thank you for your heart for the lost. May I see each person I meet today through your eyes and share your love with them.In your name, I pray. Amen!- ReiTo check out the discussion or to join in click here.