James 3:10 NLT
“And so blessing and cursing come pouring out of the same mouth. Surely, my brothers and sisters, this is not right!”
Observation-What does it say?
Although a small muscle, James writes about the power of the tongue. One analogy James uses to describe the tongue is it being like a small rudder on a huge ship. Although small in stature, it has the power to steer the huge ship, wherever the pilot chooses to go (vs.4). In verse 5 he points out the tongue is a small thing that makes grand speeches. But James also reminds us that even a small spark can set a great forest on fire (vs. 5b). So he warns us about the evil the tongue can bring. It is an untamable part of our body. If it is not controlled, it can set our lives on fire! James writes how something so small has the power to either bless or curse people. It can be used to bless our God, or curse the people who are made in His very own image (vs.9). And it shouldn’t be that way! If we are one with God, and filled with His Holy Spirit, there is no way we should be contradicting Him by spewing words that are evil from our mouths.
Understanding-What does it mean?
Am I using my tongue to bless or curse?
It’s easy to get caught up in a world that is so negative. In today’s society, it is common for people to bash our president or other people in authority. It’s common if someone hurts us, we have to hurt them back (even if it’s just with words). But our words have the power to carry on a long way. Think about the father or mother who will tell their kid they are worthless and will never amount to anything. Or the parents who speak highly of their children, who encourages them, and tells them how good they are. These are words that can stick with them for a lifetime! It has the power to either influence them to live their lives in a negative or positive manner. So before we speak, we need to think about the impact our words may have on someone. We have the power to either build up or tear down. And if Christ truly dwells within us, shouldn’t we be “building up” His kingdom and his children?
“Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.”-Ephesians 4:29
“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”-1 Thessalonians 5:11
Life Application
Find someone to encourage and bless with your words today.
With DSC’s Grateful Gathering around the corner, (by the way, please make sure to RSVP on the website), what a great time to use this passage and help bless someone this month of November. Time to write out some “Thank You” cards for some people and thank them for the people they are and for the wonderful things they do in life.
To check out the discussion or to join in, please click here.
-Moses Gaddi