James 5:13
Is anyone among you suffering? Then he must pray. Is anyone cheerful? He is to sing praises.
In this chapter, the author starts out by warning us to be mindful of our riches. He gives an admonition that we will be held accountable for what we do with our resources. He continues by encouraging us to wait patiently for the Lord. He states that we need to wait while God completes the work that he started.
As he is wrapping up this letter, James reminds us that we will face both affliction and prosperity in this life. He encourages us to act in accordance with the season that we are in. If we are suffering, we should take this as an opportunity to draw near to God.
Be present in the moment that you are living in, God is doing something in you.
Life is full of peaks and valleys. Sometimes the valleys can seem never ending, dark and scary. Sometimes the peaks appear as if they are brought on by our own abilities, and we forget about God’s kindness and love. Whether we are in a peak or a valley, God wants us where we are for a reason and He wants us to rely on him or praise with him.
When I was 18, I got myself in a horrible car wreck which put me in the hospital for some time. And as I recovered, I went through times of depression. I remember asking God, “Why did you let this happen to me?” I asked this question a lot. Instead of taking the time to draw near to God, I took the time to feel sorry for myself. As I look back on that time, I know that I let something slip out of reach because of a bad attitude and a poor perspective.
God wants us to be looking to him in all life’s situations. When we are low we cry out, “God I need you!” When we are high we sing, “God I love you.” No matter what it is, He is the center of attention. Just like the author of Ecclesiates told us in chapter 3 that there is a time for everything under the sun, whether that be weeping or singing. But God is the center of it all.
Life Application
God give me the grace to change my perspective.