
ScriptureRevelation 1:8“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.”Observation“The book of Revelation is a loving message from Jesus Christ to His precious bride, the church, revealing the things that must soon come to pass. It is meant to be understood by His people, with a blessing promised to those who read, hear and keep the things revealed in these prophecies.
The word “Revelation” comes from the Greek “apokalupisis” (Strong’s # 602) which means: “an unveiling of”. The very name of this book disproves the common assumption that it cannot be understood. Despite the many different interpretations of Daniel and Revelation, the Bible says that the wise “will” understand them. (Matthew 24:25; Daniel 12:10)

This book is said to be the "Revelation of Jesus."  He is its author; it is a message straight from Him. Revelation continues where the four gospels and the book of Acts left off, and shows us what Jesus has done since then, is doing now and will do for His church in the future. (Revelation 1:19)

“The time is at hand.” This book of prophecy contained messages needed by the Church in John’s day, by the Church throughout its history and for us as individual Christians today. The message for today is especially relevant, for we are living in the “time of the end” and “the time is at hand” when the final events portrayed in the book of Revelation will sweep over the world and bring the great controversy  to a spectacular conclusion."“Alpha and Omega” are the first and last letters in the Greek alphabet. Jesus calls himself the A to Z, “the First and the Last.” Jesus Christ is God Eternal. His love is constant and sure. He is everything we need from beginning to end. (see website reference above).Isaiah 41:4Who has done such mighty deeds,    summoning each new generation from the beginning of time?It is I, the Lord, the First and the Last.    I alone am he.”Life has felt big lately.  And these words are a reminder to me that regardless of how big life gets, God is bigger.  He’s been here long before I was even thought of by any earthly being…He knew me then and He knows me now – inside and out.  He knows and loves the people I love…even better than I do. Therefore, He is trustworthy.  He is worth pursuing.  His messages of love, grace, discipline are just as true for today as they were then. Life ApplicationMay I live right and honor God in all that I do…in the way I speak, the way I think, the way I talk, the way I treat others. <3 God, I’m so grateful that you are in control.  Thank you for watching over me and my family…it sometimes frustrates me because it’s not in my timing or in my way but I know you know better.  Help me to be mindful of that.  Please provide healing in the people I love and use me as you see fit to be a conduit of your love, your grace, your mercy and your healing truth.  Help me stay open to be used by you and for your glory.In your name, I pray. Amen!- ReiTo check out the discussion or to join in click here.



