
Psalm 30:11-12 
”You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; You have loosed my sackcloth and girded me with gladness, That my soul may sing praise to You and not be silent.  O Lord my God, I will give thanks to You forever.”
Observation - What does it say? 
This Psalm was written by David, and was possibly written as a dedication for the temple.  However, prior to building the temple, David had done evil in the site of God and “70,000 men of Israel fell.”  (See 1 Chronicles 21&22).  David pleaded to God, and sacrificed burnt offerings, and God restored David and the house of Israel.  David writes that God’s wrath is fleeting, but His grace is everlasting (vs 5). 
Understanding - What does it mean? 
We have all done something that we aren’t proud of.  A lot of the time, those things come with some consequences that are very real.  A few years back, I violated some policies at work and in the process violated the trust of my partners, my department and the public I serve.  I didn’t do this out of mallice, but laziness, as I had probably had eight hours of sleep in the previous three days.  However, as a police officer, this was a huge mistake and as a result suffered the consequences of my actions in the form of some sanctions.  There are times that I feel I will never be able to put this behind me and move on.

In the same way, we are often guilty of violating God’s “policies.”  Jesus said that His law could be summed up by loving God and loving others (Matthew 22:36-40).  I can think of a many times where I have treated someone in a way that wasn’t loving, it’s easy when you drive in Southern California. (Just Kidding, but seriously…).  Putting God before all else can be difficult as well, as there are so many other things that can take His place in my heart, like placing my kids in His seat. The difference between work and God is Jesus’ death on the cross.  Jesus paid the ultimate consequence for us and made us whole.  When we go to Him he promises to give us a new heart in place of our heart of stone (Ezekiel 36:24-36).  We are promised to be a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17).  When I think of the sin in which Christ has covered for me, I too want to dance like David.

Life Application 
Jesus, help me to stop living as I did yesterday.  I choose to let go of the past and press on towards you.  I choose to dance with you, in hopes of bringing you glory above all else. Amen.
- Tyler Galloway


