
Luke 17:14-15  
When he saw them, he said, “Go, show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went, they were cleansed.  One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. 
Observation - What does it say?  
In this chapter Jesus discusses the way we forgive, our faith and His return.  Jesus challenges the disciples in their forgiveness by telling them that they only need to have a small amount of faith to continue in forgiveness and living out what the bible has called them to.

Before talking about the unknown time of His return, ten lepers show up on scene and cry out for healing.  Jesus tells them to go show themselves to the priest, so that they may be declared fit to return to society. They were healed while they were still in route from where they encountered Jesus to meeting the priest.  Only one of the ten, a samaritan, returned to thank Jesus for being miraculously healed.

Understanding - What does it mean? 
The other day I was having a conversation with a co-worker about autonomous cars.  He was saying that he couldn’t wait for the day that all cars drive themselves.  Not only that, I don’t like the idea of the government taking away my freedom to drive.  I argued that the human mind could do everything a computer in a car could do better.  His response was, “Yeah, but I just don’t trust anyone to drive the right way.”

In his response, I realized how evident the human condition is to everyone.  My co-worker, someone who is not a believer, showed the understanding that humans are inherently sinful.  That without some outside source, like a self driving car or the Holy Spirit, humans are more likely to choose to act in a way that is contrary to how God has called us to.  And in this we can see the true beauty of God’s love for us.  God loves us in a way that he is continually pursuing us, calling us to him, and yet he gives us the freedom to come to him on our free will.

Romans 5:8 says “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”  He lavishes on us love not only when we are in a relationship with Him, but also while we are running away from him.  Jesus died for His disciples and for the people who spit in his face while he was carrying the cross.  We have the freedom to accept the free gift of his love and return to him like the samaritan leper.

Life Application  
Jesus, I cannot even begin to comprehend the depth and breadth of your love.  Even though I can’t grasp the greatness of your love, I want to make my life centered around running to you like the leper who praised you in a loud voice.  Help me in my times of unbelief to return to you.  
- Tyler Galloway


