

Luke 18:16-17

16 But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.  17 Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”



Luke 18 continues with Jesus telling parables to his disciples – the Parable of the Persistent Widow where He speaks to God’s deliverance of justice (v 1-6), the Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector where He speaks to the importance of humility (v 9-14).  As he’s sharing theses parables, “people were also bringing babies to Jesus for him to place his hands on them” and the disciples “rebuked them” (v15), bringing us to Jesus’ response above. 



As a mom of 2 – now age 9 and 11 – I’m STILL amazed regularly as I see the world through their eyes.  It’s a different, fresh, innocent, fun perspective. 


I LOVED the sermon and ending song yesterday! [For anyone who may have missed it, check out the recorded live stream on Facebook! J] Levi did an amazing job of delivering the message God gave him – that we are already “loaded” with an identity given by Christ, not to be earned or strived for but, rather, just embraced, enjoyed and shared for God’s glory.  It was an impactful reminder to me; but what I’m sitting here thinking about tonight as I read this scripture is my 9-year-old son, telling me about his favorite “church song” and proclaiming the words of “Anthem” – I am royalty!  I have destiny!  I have been set free!  I’m gonna shake history!  That’s who he is.  That’s who I am.  That’s who you are.


We’ve been called to a life of power – one that knows no boundaries because with God, ALL things are possible.  There is no age, illness, circumstance that God cannot use to touch lives…if we will just bravely and boldly embrace that which we are called to. 


Life Application

May we walk with childlike faith today.


God, I’m grateful that you see the masterpiece in the broken, the warrior in the worrier, the gift in chaotic circumstances.  Help me to see people and situations the way you do.  May I approach you and your call for my life with childlike faith – believing with 100% confidence that I am who you’ve called me to be, that I can do what you’ve called me to do.


God, you are so good and I continue to find myself caught, surprised to be loved by you.  But, like those children, may I continue to seek you, find you and open myself to be used by you. 


Love you.  Your child,



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