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Scripture 1 Samuel 3:7Now Samuel did not yet know the LORD: The word of the LORD had not yet been revealed to him.Observation - What does it say?Samuel ministered before the Lord in the temple under Eli. God called to Samuel 3 times, and each time he thought the voice was Eli’s. Understanding - What does it mean?
Shortly after I surrendered my life to Christ, I was sitting in a church service in my parents church in Colorado where I grew up. My dad said something from the pulpit that struck me. “That was good. I should tell my dad later,” I thought. After service I forgot about it and didn't say anything to my dad or anyone else about it.
Later that evening I visited another church, and during ministry time at the end of service, I went to the front for prayer. I was just hungry for more of God and wanted him to speak to me. The pastor began to pray for me, then he paused. “You don’t need another word from God. He speaks to you all the time.” I thought to myself, “Yea, right! This guy doesn’t know hat he’s talking about." After a pause he continued, “God told you something earlier today about your dad.”
"What? How in the world could he know about that?!" I thought. I knew it could only have been that God revealed that to him.

Sometimes when God speaks, we mistake his voice for another.As Samuel discovered that what sounded like Eli’s voice was actually God speaking, that day I learned that many times what I perceive to just be my own thoughts, are actually the voice of God. When I have ideas to do something good, to encourage someone, to pray for the girl with crutches at the grocery store, to share Jesus with someone at the gym, those thoughts don’t originate with me! And, I highly doubt Satan would be wanting me to do those things! So if it's not Satan and it's not me, it must be that God is the one speaking those thoughts and ideas.Life ApplicationAsk God to help me discern his voice better. 

Whenever I think to do something good, recognize it’s most likely God and respond in obedience. 
- Levi Thompson

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