2 John_1


2 John 1:5-6  Now I ask you, lady, not as though I were writing you a new commandment, but the one which we have had from the beginning, that we love one another.  And this is love, that we walk according to His commandments.  This is the commandment, just as you have heard from the beginning, that you should walk in it.  

Observation-What does it say?  
In this letter, the author (presumably John the apostle) is writing to another church group.  He addresses this church as “lady” and its members as her “children.”  According to some scholars, this reference was common in the early church.  This letter, though short, covers man of the same topics as 1 John, including the false teachings and gnosticism which were present.  John is excited to hear that the church is acting rich in love to one another, and encourages them to pursue this effort even more deeply.


Understanding-What does it mean?  
“Is that how you want to be treated,” I say yet again, as one of my three sons takes a swing at another’s face.  I’m quite certain I heard the same lesson from my parents hundreds of thousands of times as a child.  Now I get to learn patience in the same way they did, slowly and agonizingly with the help of children.

I once had lofty goals of parenting.  My kids were going to change the world, be presidents and doctors etc.  I quickly learned the most two most important goals I have as a parent are simple: show them the love of Jesus Christ and teach them to show it to others.  There are other important lessons, but the ramifications of those really only last during this lifetime.  

Someone once asked Jesus what the most important commandment was.  In short he answered it like this, “Love God and love others.”  (Matthew 22:36-40)  The love that we show each other, and for those who are marginalized in society, displays the heart of God.  Jesus came to die for the whole world (John 3:16), even those we don’t necessarily want to show love to (Matthew 5:44).  This even applies to young siblings.

Life Application  
Jesus, let me hear clearly the words that you gave me through my parents and through your word, to love one another.  Help me to show this in both practical and extravagant ways.  Remind me to show it to my friends, family, and to those who I don’t care for as much.  Give me the grace to treat the ones I don’t like in the same manner as I would my mother or my children.
-Tyler Galloway   

3 John 1


1 Samuel_3