

Acts 22:14-15 14 Then He said: ‘The God of our ancestors has chosen you to know his will and to see the Righteous One and to hear words from His mouth. 15 You will be his witness to all people of what you have seen and heard.


Paul shared his testimony – that he used to be well known for persecuting and terrorizing Christians…but that an experience of being struck blind, hearing God’s voice, walked to a stranger who simply said, “receive your sight” and could suddenly see again; then, that stranger gives him the words above.


Our testimonies our powerful. We should recognize them, refine them and share them regularly!….but being used in part of another person’s testimony is where it’s at!I read in a book recently, that a man with an argument has nothing against a man with an experience. As Christians, we get the amazing honor and opportunity to engage people in God experiences, experiences that will speak to people’s hearts and bring reconciliation and transformation. God is the master facilitator – working in all the details, big and small - for the ultimate purpose of bringing people in to relationship with Him; but we get to be part of it.Once we are saved, our whole role and mission is to stay connected to God and be used by Him over and over again – to love on others, to bless others, to lead others to Him.

Life Application

God, I count it an honor and privilege to be called Yours. But, even greater, I am grateful to be used by you. That even in my brokenness and complete IMperfection, you call me worthy and allow me to be used for the cause of Christ. Let me be a witness! Show me, today, how to share your love, in ways that brings you honor and glory. Help me be cognizant and obedient to that still small voice. And, may people EXPERIENCE you throughout my interactions today. Humbly yours, In Jesus name, Amen.ReiTo check out the discussion or to join in click here.



