Acts 23:11 NIV
“The following night the Lord stood near Paul and said, “Take courage! As you have testified about me in Jerusalem, so you must also testify in Rome.””
Observation-What does it say?
Observation-What does it say?
Paul was again before the Pharisees and Sanhedrin, having to answer for his ministry for Jesus Christ. There was also a plot to kill Paul; however, before Paul learned of the plot to kill him, the Lord encouraged Paul to be courageous and told him that he was still going to testify about Him in Rome. Basically, he didn’t want Paul to lose heart and told him he still had work to do.
Understanding-What does it mean?
Understanding-What does it mean?
The journey of faith is not always easy, but when we are in line with God’s will, His Spirit will always provide the encouragement we need to continue pressing forward.
Paul could’ve easily buckled under the weight of all the pressure on him. He could’ve easily been so discouraged and decided to quit the mission because the journey was too hard. But, Paul didn’t quit. He kept pressing forward and had hope in the Lord to complete the mission. Why? Because the Holy Spirit was in him and with him.
Life Application
Paul could’ve easily buckled under the weight of all the pressure on him. He could’ve easily been so discouraged and decided to quit the mission because the journey was too hard. But, Paul didn’t quit. He kept pressing forward and had hope in the Lord to complete the mission. Why? Because the Holy Spirit was in him and with him.
Life Application
Continue being filled with Holy Spirit and lean on His great faithfulness through the journey.
One of my goals during this fast is to memorize Ephesians 6:11-18, basically the passage on the Armor of God. One particular part of the passage talks about putting on the full armor of God so that when the day of evil comes, we may be able to take our stand, but after we have done everything, just keep standing.
We cannot keep standing without the Holy Spirit. Also, continually being filled with His Spirit is not an option, but a must, especially when we understand who is warring against our souls. Ephesians says that our struggle is against the rulers, authorities, powers of this dark world and the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. It is not just the B-team. It is the A-team heads of evil! The only One able to defeat them and the only One that they have no hold over is Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. So why wouldn’t we want His Holy Spirit residing in us and being filled with Him everyday? As Pastor explained on Sunday, the constant filling of the Holy Spirit comes through worship, prayer and fasting, God’s Word (which is our offensive weapon against attack), walking in obedience, serving and fellowship with other spirit filled people.
Please join us for 2 great evenings of worship and prayer this week on Thursday and Friday at 7p.
Dear Lord, thank You for Your encouragement to keep standing firm, to keep pressing forward and to keep being on mission for You despite hardships and opposition. May we seek to always be filled with Your Holy Spirit so that we can withstand the pressures that come with living a life completely set apart for You. Amen.
-Michelle Gaddi
One of my goals during this fast is to memorize Ephesians 6:11-18, basically the passage on the Armor of God. One particular part of the passage talks about putting on the full armor of God so that when the day of evil comes, we may be able to take our stand, but after we have done everything, just keep standing.
We cannot keep standing without the Holy Spirit. Also, continually being filled with His Spirit is not an option, but a must, especially when we understand who is warring against our souls. Ephesians says that our struggle is against the rulers, authorities, powers of this dark world and the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. It is not just the B-team. It is the A-team heads of evil! The only One able to defeat them and the only One that they have no hold over is Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. So why wouldn’t we want His Holy Spirit residing in us and being filled with Him everyday? As Pastor explained on Sunday, the constant filling of the Holy Spirit comes through worship, prayer and fasting, God’s Word (which is our offensive weapon against attack), walking in obedience, serving and fellowship with other spirit filled people.
Please join us for 2 great evenings of worship and prayer this week on Thursday and Friday at 7p.
Dear Lord, thank You for Your encouragement to keep standing firm, to keep pressing forward and to keep being on mission for You despite hardships and opposition. May we seek to always be filled with Your Holy Spirit so that we can withstand the pressures that come with living a life completely set apart for You. Amen.
-Michelle Gaddi