1 Samuel_8

Scripture1 Samuel 8:20Then we will be like all the other nations, with a king to lead us and to go out before us and fight our battles.Observation - What does it say?As Samuel grew old, he appointed his sons to lead in his place. However, they didn’t measure up as fit for leadership. So, the people asked Samuel to appoint a king to lead them.Up to this point, God led his people through judges and prophets like Moses, Deborah and Samuel. Through these godly men and women, God effectively led and protected and provided for and preserved the Israelites. But, noticing the nations around them all had kings, they felt compelled to conform. Despite the warnings from God about going that route, the people demanded a king lead them instead of God.Understanding - What does it mean?Human tendency is to forget how much better God’s ways are and turn to substitutes.This is insane! The last story recorded is of the Philistines coming to attack Israel. God went before them in battle and thundered before the Philistines, throwing the Philistines into such a panic that it made it a cake walk for the Israelites to defeat them. And here they are in the next breath asking for a king to go before them in battle instead!? They would rather a human with a title go before them than the God who just gave them victory. What a terrible substitute to desire! It wasn't necessarily a sin to have a king, but it was like asking to remove Kobe from the lineup for game 7 and put in my eight-year-old son. You can do it, but it's about the dumbest decision you could make.Any substitute for God and God’s ways isn’t going to work!Life ApplicationDuring the 28 days of prayer and fasting we turned from all God-substitutes and pursued the Real Deal. And as a result of turning to God for comfort instead of Instagram, turning to the Bible for truth and knowledge instead of the news, turning to worship to overcome life’s challenges instead of trying to temporarily forget them with Netflix, life has changed drastically! We are experiencing so much more life and joy and clarity and peace than before we began. So why go back to substitutes?! Has God not proven himself to be sufficient for all we need and desire?Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
God, please forgive us for choosing substitutes for you and your ways. May we not go back, not conform to the patterns of this world, but fight to keep choosing you and keeping you first! Amen.
- Levi Thompson 

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1 Samuel_7