1 Samuel_9

Scripture  1 Samuel 9:21 Saul answered, “But am I not a Benjamite, from the smallest tribe of Israel, and is not my clan the least of all the clans of the tribe of Benjamin? Why do you say such a thing to me?”

Observation-What does it say?  An unlikely turn of events, the loss of a few donkeys, leads Saul to meet with Samuel.  God had already given Samuel a vision of Saul, who would become the king of Israel.  As Samuel tells Saul that he is favored by God, he is surprised and expresses that he doesn’t feel worthy, since he is from the smallest family in the nation.  This goes to further demonstrate one theme of 1 Samuel, that God raises the powerless to promote his kingdom (2:8).  God using the powerless is further example that His kingdom is not of this world.

Understanding-What does it mean?  I started high school a little larger than the average kid, already about 6’1” but rail thin weighing in at only about 135 pounds.  And despite my normally even temperament, I had a mean competitive side of me and a little too much pride.  Taking up running, I found something that helped me in a lot of different areas in my life, including finding the focus I needed in my studies.  The little bit of natural success I found in the sport didn’t help my pride at all.  I remember thinking that I could beat just about anyone with the right amount of effort.  

Then one day, while running my best event, the 800 meter, I was astonished to see this little figure beside me.  Jameson Mora was only about 4’11” and weighed bout 95 pounds, but his stride was as big as mine and he was moving passed me.  It was as if he took a pin to my balloon of a head.   Pppsssssttt!  Jameson looked odd running to me.  He worked harder than anyone else, and you could see it in his face and the way he got every little bit of distance out of a stride that was too long for his little body. 

When we look at God’s story and the redemption of man, we see something similar.  He is continually showing us His power through the smallest, weakest and most unexpected things.  God is constantly using things that don’s make sense to us.  He saved the world with a crazy man and a boat (when it had never rained), birthed a nation through a couple that was too old, used a man that was supposed to die as an infant to lead a bunch of slaves out of Egypt.  God made it rain bread, and caused water to come from a rock.  He made three men completely fireproof.  He brought the message of Christ to Gentiles through a man who is guilty of murdering Christians.  

God tells us, my ways are not his (Isaiah 55:8-9), that in His kingdom the last will be first (Matthew 20:16), He uses the foolish things to shame the wise (1 Corinthians 1:26-31), and His kingdom was built on a stone rejected by builders (1 Peter 2:4-10).  God doesn’t call us to be perfect, but through His power we are made perfect.  He is the one who completes His work in us.  When we are small, He makes us great, and even makes us run a little faster than we think possible.

Life Application  When I feel worthless, and incapable of doing the good you have called me to, allow me to lean on Your words.  For you are my maker, you know my inside and out, you know every hair on my head and every freckle on my back.  You lift me up to do good works, and give me the strength to carry on.  I will trust in you, the maker of heaven and earth, my rock and fortress.  When life seems too big, I will hide in the shelter of your wings.       

-Tyler Galloway


1 Samuel_10


1 Samuel_8