
Ephesians 5: 1-2a
“Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children. Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ.
Observation-What does it say?
Paul is writing the Ephesians, urging them to walk in love, walk in the light they are filled with by Christ, and walk in the wisdom Jesus has shed on them through His teachings. Paul urges them to stay clear of the unbelievers' influences, for that could lead to a grim path. Instead, they should be a light to them. They should help expose them of their sinfulness and their need of Jesus. Ultimately Paul wants to see them filled with the Holy Spirit, living a life that brings glory to God.
Understanding-What does it mean?
Does the life I live reflect Jesus and His ways?
I try to constantly remind my kids that as soon as they walk out that door, no matter where they go, (school, church, a friend’s house, a party, or even at their grandparent’s house), they are carrying my family name. “SO DON’T MAKE A FOOL OUT OF ME!”  My wife and I try to raise them the right way. We give them the tools they need to be successful, but it’s up to them if they decide to use it or not. It’s a daily prayer my wife and I share, praying our kids are making wise choices when we are not around.
I believe the same can be said about us as Christ Followers. When we choose to follow Jesus and get baptized to make our public declaration of our new life devoted to Him, we are now adopted into the family...the family of God. We too carry His name wherever we go. So am I making a fool out of Him? Am I telling people that I am a Christian, but my actions are proving otherwise? Am I living a life that is showing others the characteristics of my Father in Heaven? I sure hope so. After all, God also gives us everything we need in life to succeed. He gives us His Word, His Holy Spirit, and His Church to help guide us with our decisions. He also has an open direct line of communication whenever we’re stuck. We can pray to Him anytime, anywhere! How can we not succeed in life?! So let’s use these tools He blesses us with, and go out in this world and make Him proud!
Life Application
I am a child of God. Time to show the world the things my Father taught me.
Remember when you were a kid and your parent taught you something new? You couldn’t wait to try it out on your own, and even show your friends what you learned. For me it was tying my shoes, tying a neck tie, learning how to drive, or even grilling a steak. The bottom line is my dad taught me, and I repeated it, and showed it off and applied it to my everyday life. How can I show others the things my Father in Heaven has shown me? I can tell them about the love of Jesus. I can show them an unconditional love and forgiveness. I can give to those in need.
Father God, help me to carry the name of Christ Follower out in this world in a way that makes You proud. Open my eyes to those opportunities to do so. May those around me get a glimpse of Your light, and yearn to want more. In Your name I pray, Amen.
-Moses Gaddi

Proverbs_ 3

