Proverbs_ 3

ScriptureProverbs 3:11-1211 My son, do not despise the Lord’s discipline,    and do not resent his rebuke,12 because the Lord disciplines those he loves,    as a father the son he delights in.ObservationKing Solomon speaks most likely to his descendants offering instruction, understanding, and wisdom.
God loves you!!I remember when my girls were small it seems I was correcting them for everything.When I saw them running for the street, I would pull them back and say,“when you cross the street stop at the curb, looking both ways, and if no cars are coming then you can walk to the other side.”When I saw them yanking a toy from another child’s hand I would say to ask for it and say “please”, when they give it to you say “thank you.”Over and over and over again I told them the correct way to do certain things. I’m sure they dreaded hearing my voice at times especially because it may have seemed I was only going to keep telling them all the things they are doing wrong.Really, I just loved them. I didn't want them to get hit by a car and I wanted them to be nice human beings that could someday have friends:)ApplicationHebrews 12:5 "My son, do not make light of the Lord's discipline, and do not lose heart when he rebukes you,God is transforming us into the image of His Son Jesus Christ. He loved us enough to have sent Jesus to redeem us from our sins, and he continues to show his love for his children by correcting our ways to conform to His image.God may bring about his correction by his word, people, or situations.Let me tell you, God loves the heck out of me!Thank you Father for your love. I am so grateful to belong to a church body that cares so much about discipleship in turn shows your love for me! Deborah Lee 


