1 Peter_5


1 Peter 5:5

In the same way, you who are younger, submit yourselves to your elders. All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because, “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.”


Peter urges young generations to learn and listen their elders, and for everyone (young and experienced) to act with humility and grace when dealing with fellow believers. He even argues that the success of “the flock” or the church is contingent on connection and accountability with each other; as he follows up these verses with a warning against the enemy.



God does not abide by generational boundaries.

True confession: I get upset whenever I hear the words “well your generation…” Yes, I am aware my generation is lazy, I am aware my generation lacks the important skill of putting in hard work, I am aware of almost every little thing said about my generation. However, I think the thing that bothers me the most about this phrase is that I know everything said is true, and most things said are more times than not negative rather than positive. Yet, my generation does nothing with this information. Rather than changing our ways and proving otherwise, we get offended and post about it on social media as if that makes a difference.

To young generations now and to come, if the Bible is your standard listen to this truth: the elders placed in your life are there for a reason. They teach you everyday whether you are aware of it or not. Learn from them rather than opposing them. I have seen too many people around my age march around like they have all the knowledge and experience in the world that they miss an important lesson, that is tough to swallow, but necessary: submission. We are called to respond to the will of God, but if we can’t submit to God’s people than we will never be able to submit to God’s standards.

To more experienced generations now and to come: I apologize for any offense we young people may have caused, but can I ask for one thing of you? Patience. Rather than being quick to anger when a young person fails to understand or respond in a way of your liking, drown them with grace and humility. One more thing, thank you. Thank you for investing in young people, it doesn’t return void (even though it seems like sometimes it may).

Bottom line: God doesn’t care what generation you come from, what background you come, or where you think your going all He wants is your obedience through submission to one another.

Galatians 5:13 (ESV)

For you were called to freedom. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.


Life Application

Humility is a timeless fashion.

It isn’t an accident that Peter follows up his sentence about submission with one of grace and humility. Humbleness should follow every Christ-follower wherever we go, it is ultimately what draws people to the Father. If you want to see favor in your life, be humble before the Lord. If you want to see lives transformed, be humble before the Lord. May we never forget our upbringing in Christ, but may we choose to submit to the One who designed it.

-Allison Khan   


2 Peter 1


1 Peter 4