

Esther 1: 12 and 19

12 But when the the attendants delivered the king’s command, Queen Vashti refused to come. Then the king became furious and burned with anger... 19 let it be written in the laws of Persia and Media, which cannot be repealed, that Vashti is never again to enter the presence of King Xerxes. And let the king give her royal position to someone else who is better than she.


After a lavish party thrown by King Xerxes, he requests to see his queen, Vashti. Granted, he makes this request while drunk and disorderly, so Vashti refuses to come before him. This angers Xerxes, and he calls his advisors together to find a way to bypass the law. He then creates a royal decree, and begins his search to find a new queen.


Your story is completed when you help someone else realize or step into theirs.

I’m probably going to take these verses way out of context, but I feel there is still an important lesson to be learned: if it wasn’t for Queen Vashti, Esther never would have been in the picture. Let’s face it, we would be reading and living a much different story than this one. For as strange as this encounter and situation was, it provided the necessary backdrop into the courageous queen we have all come to know and love (I won’t give away too much for those who haven’t read it). Let’s step into Queen Vashti’s shoes for a second. Imagine preceding the main event, or the main person that people have waited to see or didn’t even know they needed. You constantly live in the shadow of something that you’ve been told is greater than you. We see this kind of exchange again in the New Testament with Jesus and John the Baptist. However, these people are so influential to the rest of the story because without them, there really isn’t a story. Crazy right?!

Lately, I have been thinking about the whole idea of those I am “setting up.”  A lot of times I find myself thinking about the generations behind me, and I want to feel confident that I am treating them and their future well. This is so hard for me if I’m gonna be really honest. I love to feel appreciated and like I’m doing a great job, but the reality of setting someone up well is that often times you go unnoticed. You kind of get glossed over. But as depressing as this sounds, it means you are doing your job right.

Life Application

Our reward lies in Heaven!

So how effective are you in paving the way for those behind you? Are you being influential to the story, while still giving others their time to shine or are you simply looking for all the attention?

To the ones who feel they are being looked over or going under-appreciated: without you someone else’s “story” doesn’t begin, you are doing your job well (even if it feels like no one notices). God rewards those who earnestly seek Him, and lead others to His Kingdom. Your reward is far greater than the ones that this world have to offer. Finish your race, and finish it well. I believe in you!

-Allison Khan    


Psalm 66


Revelation 8