Psalm 66

Psalm 66:16
Come and hear, all you who fear God;    let me tell you what he has done for me.
The psalmist speaks about going through hardships but God bringing him out of all of it and answering his prayers. 
Ps. 66:17 I cried out to him with my mouth;    his praise was on my tongue.
God answers prayers! 
Remember the day you saw or heard that your prayer had been answered! And you were overwhelmed with joy, even “tears of joy”, and humility, knowing that you deserved none of this except for the fact that the LORD is a good God and does not withhold his love from us! 
 What about a prayer that was deep in your heart? A prayer that only you prayed, a prayer that only you and the LORD know about. 
God has been answering prayer for me this past year like crazy! I have been overwhelmed with how good He is! I have been able to share with those close to me and it has been building their faith also. 
God answers prayer. Let’s share it with those around us!
Keep on Praying!
As we have seen our prayers answered by God let our faith continue to grow and lets keep asking! 
Let’s ask for our families to be restored! Let’s ask for our children’s lives to be in God's will! 
Let’s ask to be better neighbors! 
What will you ask for? 

Let’s ask for the impossible! Father, thank you for your goodness! Thank you for your love that keeps pursuing me! Thank you for the miracles that you have been doing this past year! Thank you for growing my faith! Holy Spirit speak to my heart what is in the heart of God. Help me to pray the will of God in my life and for those around me. In Jesus name, Amen.

Deborah Lee 



