Psalm 119: 60-119


Psalms‬ ‭119:105‬ ‭

“Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.”


Observation-What does it say? The overall message of Psalm 119 focuses on the truth of God’s Word.  It encourages us through every generation to stay close and focused on His Word no matter what swirls around us in this world. Living in the freedom and knowledge of God’s ways, obeying His law above all else, and keeping in step with His commandments is the only way to truly live wise, strong lives.
Understanding-What does it mean?
A good acronym for BIBLE: Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.
God’s Word is powerful, living, and active. It never changes, because He never changes. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. His words are breathed straight from His heart to us, a love letter for life, not simply an old-fashioned, outdated book with no relevance for today. His Word is sharper than any two-edged sword.
Psalm 119 reminds us that God's very charcter is reflected through His Word, He is Righteous, He is Faithful, He is Unchanging, He is True. The opening 2 verses remind us, that we are "blessed" as we walk in His Truth, and seek Him with our whole heart.
"Blessed are they whose ways are blameless, who walk according to the law of the Lord. Blessed are they who keep his statutes and seek him with all their heart.-"Psalms 119:v. 1-2
Life Application
Read God’s Word daily! It is life’s instruction manual.
When I was a kid my dad would always encourage me to read my Bible. He would always say, “A chapter a day, keeps the devil away.” I always thought he liked saying that because it rhymes. But there is truth behind it . Staying in God’s Word daily, helps keep me focused on how I should be living my life. It is a light to our path (like the verse I chose today)! So I just want take this time to encourage you all to try some PB&J (Prayer, Bible reading, and Journaling). It is food for your SOUL! 😋
-Moses Gaddi

Ecclesiastes 5


Psalm 119:1-59