Ecclesiastes 5

Scripture  Ecclesiastes 5:1-2 1 Guard your steps when you go to the house of God. Go near to listen rather than to offer the sacrifice of fools, who do not know that they do wrong. 2 Do not be quick with your mouth,    do not be hasty in your heart    to utter anything before God.God is in heaven    and you are on earth,    so let your words be few. Observation  God is in the highest heaven and I’m just here on earth. Understanding  God is God and i am not “Go near to listen…”Listen. Listen until He speaks. Listen, even though there is silence. Do not move away from the silence or get frustrated. Let humility cover you and listen… for Him to speak. “Do not be quick…”Wait. Wait. Do not rush to say anything with your mouth or in your heart. Wait. His thoughts are higher than our thoughts.His ways are higher than our ways. What do i have to say that he hasn’t already heard?What do i think that he doesn’t already know? Let humility cover you and wait… for Him to speak.  “God is in heaven…”The creator of the universe is light years and light years away. He transcends time and space and dimensions.  He created with His words, billions of galaxies and stars and the heavens, and the earth, and all of the millions of creatures... and little ol’, wonderfully made... humans.  God is in heaven and i am not. God is God and i am not.  “Let your words be few…”What do i have to say? I am here LORD.  Application  Listening and humility go well together.  Practicing silence and solitude is fairly new for me but something I have been enjoying as I search for spiritual disciplines that will bring me closer to the LORD.  As we get older, many of us realize how little we know about so many things, lol! So weird because when I was younger I just knew everything! When I read these scriptures i felt like humility was poured out over me like warm anointing oil or like a huge warm oversized blanket that covers every part of me.  Oh, how I wish I would have put on humility so much sooner. Even so, I’m so grateful that Father God has allowed me many opportunities to try humility on, and I’m starting to like it, and more and more I feel like I should just wear it all the time.  I feel that listening, being slow to speak and humility go together. Sitting in silence and waiting on Him is more easily done with humility.  The God that is so high above us...came down to be with us… what do you have to say? I am here LORD. 

Deborah Lee 




Psalm 119: 60-119