


Colossians 3:23


“Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.”


Observation-What does it say?


Paul writes a letter to the Colossians to encourage and remind them of their new life in Christ. Paul tells them that they are God's new creation, that their old and sinful ways should be buried and dead to this world. And now is the time to live a new life, a life filled with Christ. A life filled with the attributes of Jesus Christ.


Understanding-What does it mean?


We all have a boss to serve...and His name is Jesus.


We've all been in a workplace or situations where we have to submit to people who are in authority over us that we may not particularly like. While others may defy them, Jesus calls us to submit to their authority. Work willingly for them, as though we were working for the Lord rather than people-(vs. 23). This is a great reminder for me in my workplace. I know there are times for me when I feel under appreciated or disrespected, and I just think to myself, "what's the point?!" I mean here I am giving work my all, and management is gonna come back and not even acknowledge the hard work?! If anything they either criticize it or give me even more work to do! Ugh! Then I remember this verse. It reminds me that Jesus is watching. He sees the works that I am doing. It is Him who I am trying to please. Then I'm also reminded that as a Christ follower others around me are watching as well. They are observing how I am reacting to certain situations. That is even more incentive to work happily and willingly. This way when others may fold and break under those difficult circumstances, I can remain steadfast. Then others may ask "how I'm able to do it?" I can simply say it is my Lord and Savior Jesus who gives me strength to do so, and He is the One I work for!


“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 NIV


Life Application


It's all about the attitude.


No matter what comes my way today, I'm going to come at it with a grateful heart, knowing that Jesus is with me, and understanding that He is in control. Understanding that He has a purpose behind everything, whether good or bad. It's up to me and how I carry my attitude, which can help determine how I can use those situations to glorify Him.


-Moses Gaddi



