Colossians 4:6
So imagine with me for a second a girl who is extremely competitive… just imagine, she’s totally made up… maybe…
Anyway, in elementary school she would get so upset if she lost a game of four square that she would take the ball and chuck it across the playground. Simply because, if she couldn’t play, no one could… then all the little kids would tell on Allison… errr I mean… they would tell on girl and she should get in trouble by the yard duty (who may or may not have been her mom). Okay you can stop imagining now.
This is how I picture our political climate right now. Everyone is so competitive with their opinions that they completely disregard the other opinion (or the other people playing four square). But Paul says to let our conversations be full of grace. Grace is something that was freely granted to us, so it should be just as easily poured on others in conversation even when their viewpoint may not match our own. I might even go further as to say especially when they their viewpoint does not match our own.
The Message translation puts it this way:
Life Application
I know that more than ever loving is easier said than done, but here’s where you can start: before taking to social media consider those who are following you, rather than stirring the pot look to have meaningful and gracious conversations in person. Intentionally work harder to be understanding and loving in these crazy times. Do an act of kindness for someone! Who knows maybe it will spill over and create a ripple effect.