Matthew 19 - 9.19.23

SCRIPTURE:  Matthew 19:16  "Just then someone came up and asked Him, "Teacher, what good must I do to have eternal life?"


OBSERVATION:  In this passage of Scripture, Jesus was teaching a doctrine of priorities, which He had clearly stated on the Sermon on the Mount regarding seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.  Jesus knew what was in the rich young man's heart, and it was exposed when Jesus told him to sell his belongings and give it to the poor, and then follow Him.  This rich man loved his material wealth more than he loved God.  The man went away grieving, because he had so many possessions.


APPLICATION:  God enjoys giving us good things, but never at the expense of us putting them above our love for Him.  He loves to provide for our sustenance and also for our pleasure.  He is our Heavenly Father Who loves to lavish us with good things, and it is always for the purpose of giving us enough to share.  He gives us gifts and talents, resources, time, and money, and when we use them for kingdom purposes, He is honored!  He loves to give, and it is His desire that we also love to give... with cheerful hearts.  


PRAYER:  I pray as I evaluate my commitment to generosity that I will always first and foremost love God above all else!  I pray that when I give to others, it will be with a positive attitude.  My I give generously as God has given to me.  There is an added bonus when it comes to being generous; According to God's Word, when I am generous with my giving, it causes other believers to praise and glorify God! ( 2 Corinthians 9:13). 

May my utmost desire be to invest in the kingdom of God so my bank account builds in heaven.  

- Robin Orefice


Matthew 20 - 9.20.23


Matthew 18 - 9.18.23