Matthew 18 - 9.18.23
Matthew 18:2-3 NLT
“Jesus called a little child to him and put the child among them. Then he said, “I tell you the truth, unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven.”
The disciples asked Jesus the question, “Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?” Jesus responds to them by calling a child over. Then Jesus uses this child as an illustration for them. He explains that they need to be as humble as a child, (having total dependence on God, doing what He tells them, holding onto every Word God says, and believing it is true), in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
Have that childlike faith to become a child of God.
When my daughters were really little, they loved going to the park. But whenever it was time to go home, they would always fight me tooth and nail to stay longer. “Daddy, just 5 more minutes please?”, they always asked. Needless to say, that 5 minutes could turn into an hour sometimes. But one day I thought I would trick them so we could leave on time. I told them that we have to leave the park before the sun goes down because that is when the werewolves come out to hunt the little kids. (I know, bad parenting right?! 😆). And sure enough, as soon as I said that, a dog from the house up the hill from the park started howling. It helped me get my point across because I then told them, “You see, the werewolves are getting ready to come out now because the sun is setting.” Needless to say, my kids were now begging me to take them home before the sun went down. 😆 I would have to then reassure them that as long as they were with me, nothing would happen to them because daddy would fight off the werewolves. 💪🏽
Now that my kids are older, we look back at that time and have a good laugh about it. But, it just shows you how much children can believe their father in everything he says. They know that when they’re with him, there is nothing to be scared of. They know that there is no need to worry because their father would provide everything they needed. And I think that is what Jesus was trying to teach His disciples here in this verse. Jesus tells them that in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, they need to have that childlike faith. They need to be fully reliant on God in everything they do. They need to believe in everything He says, and do everything He asks. And If they’re able to do that, they are now children of God and are welcome into the Kingdom of Heaven.
Now I know my parenting skills may be a bit questionable in my story, (joking to my kids in order for them to leave the park in a timely fashion). But I want to ensure you that although I know I’m not a perfect father, we have a Father in Heaven Who is perfect. We can count on Him and believe in Him. He does not lie and He keeps His promises. He will provide and protect us. His love is unconditional for us. But are we willing to trust in His ways over our own? Can we humbly admit that we need God in everything we do? Do we believe in His Son Jesus? Can we call ourselves a child of God?
“But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God.”-John 1:12
Dear Heavenly Father, I want to thank You for being the perfect Father to me. You are kind and loving. You provide my every need. You protect me. Even Your discipline helps guide me back on the path that leads to life. Thank You for Your patience with me. May I follow You to the ends of the earth with that childlike faith You desire for me to have in You. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen. 🙏🏽
-Moses Gaddi