Acts 11 - 1.11.23
Acts 11:9 NIV
““The voice spoke from heaven a second time, ‘Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.’”
Observation-What does it say?
Peter received objections from the Christian Jews for associating with the Gentiles, who were an “uncircumcised” people. Therefore, Peter explains his ministry to them (
Understanding-What does it mean?
Peter was being outward focused. He was following in Jesus’ footsteps by associating with sinners.
Peter knew that Jesus had died a sinner’s death for ALL, not just for Christians. Jews and Gentiles did not associate with one another in Biblical times, but Jesus broke that barrier and Peter was just following in His footsteps.
If you fast forward to verses 19-21, the church in Antioch grew as a result of the Gentiles coming to the Lord! It was as a result of Peter standing firm even through the opposition of his own people of faith!
Life Application:
What are ways that we can be outward focused during this fast?
“For your ways are in full view of the Lord, and he examines all your paths.” -Proverbs 5:21 NIV
Dear Lord, as we pray and fast this month to seek You more and spend more time growing with our church family, please help our heart to not neglect the lost as well. Help us to love and be intentional about praying for and hanging out with lost sinners. Also, please soften their hearts. They need to know and receive Your love and grace the most. Amen.
-Michelle Gaddi