Acts 10 - 1.10.23

SCRIPTURE:  Acts 10:34-35  "I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts from every nation the one who fears Him and does what is right."

OBSERVATION:  In this chapter, we are able to see God at work, and how He brought forth His plan of action revealing His will for ALL to  know Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Cornelius was a Roman officer, a Gentile, a devout God-fearing man, and one who gave generously to those in need.  He prayed regularly every day.  He did all the right things, BUT he was still separated from God because he had never heard, nor had the opportunity to respond to the Good News of Jesus Christ... until God arranged for him to hear the plan of salvation through a man named Peter.  

Peter had been a Jewish fisherman, but the day Jesus approached him and said, "Come follow Me", Peter obeyed. 

He was powerfully used by God for many years, but all the while he had totally believed that Gentiles were not included in God's plan.  

While these two men were praying separately God sent an angel to each of them, and it was through that angel that they were told that they needed to meet each other.  God had something very important He wanted Cornelius to hear through Peter.  They both ended up responding in obedience to the angel, and that led to Peter realizing how true it is that God does not show favoritism, but accepts from every nation the one who fears Him and does what is right. And, Cornelius ended up hearing the gospel message from Peter about how Jesus was killed on a cross,  how God raised Him from the dead, and how everyone who believes in Him receives forgiveness of sins through HIs name.   

UNDERSTANDING:  There are so many intricate, fascinating facets to this story.  It's so amazing how the Lord brought about His plan to reveal, first of all to Peter, in showing him that God had no favoritism, and then how God revealed Himself to the Gentiles to show them that they were included in His plan of salvation!  It all came about because of Cornelius' and Peter's obedience.

LIFE APPLICATION:  God is such an amazing God, and why He chooses to use us in His plan is so awesome and mind-blowing to me!  He takes ordinary people like us who follow and obey Him, and does such extraordinary things through us as we submit to His authority.  He allows us to partner with Him to accomplish His plans!  I don't know about you, but that is exciting to me!  

There are people in every nation who are seeking God, but until they hear the Good News and respond in obedience to His plan of salvation, they remain lost in their sins.  

I pray my life will be a model of what it looks like to be a true follower of Christ, and that I will be open and obedient to share the Good News with all God leads me to.

-Robin Orefice


Acts 11 - 1.11.23


Proverbs 3 - 1.9.23