Colossians 4 - 02.08.24

SCRIPTURE -Colossians 4:2-4 NCV

Continue praying, keeping alert, and always thanking God. 

Also pray for us that God will give us an opportunity

to tell people HIS message

Pray that we can preach the secret that God has made known about Christ. 

This is why I am in prison. 

Pray that I can speak in a way that will make it clear, as I should.”



Paul closes his letter to the church in Colossae with requests for prayer-

“Continue Praying….and—



“Pray that God will give us an opportunity to tell people His [Good News] Message.”

“Pray that I can speak it in a way that will make it clear—as I should.”



Pray for meto share the Gospel and make it clear-as I should.


I. Prayer Precedes God’s Power

Today Paul’s prayer request caught my attention—

I need to ask people to pray for me.


Please pray that God will give me opportunities-

put people on my mind and in my heart—the People who HE is pursuing-

and cause me to hear HIS voice without distraction. (Jesus says the harvest is ripe)


Please pray also for me to be able to “share the Gospel in a way that will make it clear —to whoever God gives me to speak to. 


How I need these prayers—desperately.


It occurs to me—If the Apostle Paul

[who was personally commissioned by Jesus to spread the Gospel]

felt he-- needed Prayer for opportunities  AND 

Prayer to speak the Gospel in a way that will make it —“clear “

how much MORE do I-- need these prayers.



II.  Paul goes on to give us some practical advice when sharing the Gospel—

Be wise in the way you act with people—

make the MOST of every opportunity.

When you DO have a conversation with someone—

Be kind and gracious

seasoned with salt

SO you will Know how to answer everyone.”

(Colossians 4:5, 6)


Be Prepared:

to give the reason for our Hope, filled with the wisdom of God, careful that our actions line up with our words, and kind and gracious when answering questions—

Why did Paul say our conversation should be “seasoned with salt”?

AND what does that actually look like?

There’s a saying “Take this with ‘a grain’ of salt”. We should NEVER consider a grain of salt when speaking of God’s Kingdom and Salvation. We want to look for opportunities to  Add much SALT into the conversation. (Warren Wiersbe)


🤯 Of Course! This makes sense! Salt is a preservative!

We want what we say to be “preserved” into their minds and hearts!


““You ARE the SALT of the earth.” (Matthew 5:13 a NIV)

Jesus called us to BE the Salt of the earth—so we ARE—

We have the opportunity to deposit HIS Life-Saving Truth and Love INTO People’s lives wherever we GO…




Thank You for Your WORD Today.

Help me to remember that someone had the courage to come up to me when they didn’t know me and share the Gospel Truth in Love. 

I was rude to her, and she will only know in heaven what her courage and boldness meant.

With some—we will never know the result of our words [testimonies]until heaven. May we never walk away defeated. Some sow, Some water—Only You LORD cause these seeds to grow.

Help me Lord to open my mouth with courage and boldness. 

You created me with a passionate heart for a reason. Help me not to shy away.

Lord—Help me to hear You and obey. 

Lord-Help me to find others who may want to come with me. YOU said Jesus that YOUR Harvest IS Ripe! Send MORE workers into YOUR Field LORD.

Send us all Lord—where You have planted us in our circle of influence.

Everyday is a Good Day for Your Kingdom to Come.

Please Pray for me to have opportunities to share the gospel-and to be able to speak it in a way that makes it clear.

In Jesus Name. Amen.


Tina L Kudelka  


Psalm 73 - 2.9.24


Colossians 3 - 2.7.24