Colossians 3 - 2.7.24
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord (Colossians 3:16, KJV)
"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.." In Chapter 3 of Colossians, we are given practical instructions on how to live a Christian life. First of all, prioritize and seek the things of God (verses 1-2). Put to death the sinful cravings that do not glorify God (verses 5 to 9). Put on God's nature and love and forgive each other (verses 12 - 14). This is followed by instructions on how to order ourselves in the family and workplace that God has placed us - wives to submit to their husband's leadership, husbands to love their wives, children to obey their parents, and employees to to do their work as to God and not their bosses (verses 18 - 22). For us to be able to do all this, we need to be rooted in Him, and have the word of Christ dwell in us richly.
We need to be filled with God's word everyday. We need to abide in Him, and let his words abide in us. That is the secret of answered prayer (John 15:7). God's word is milk for his children, without which we cannot grow (1 Peter 2:2). God's word is meat for us, that gives us sustenance (Heb 5:14). To live a life that pleases God, we need to be filled with God's word and God's spirit every single day. It takes effort, obedience and discipline to allow God's word to dwell in us richly. That means spending time with God reading his word and praying everyday. Let that be a non-negotiable priority in our life.
Dear Lord Jesus, I pray that your word will dwell in me richly. Help me to make time with your word a priority so that your word will go deep into me, and I will be rooted and grounded in your word. Help me to seek you first. I pray that you will help me to be consistent and obedient in seeking you. May your will and purpose be fulfilled in my life. In Jesus's Name. Amen.
- Asha Chacko George