Daniel 6 - 10.16.23


Daniel‬ ‭6‬:‭23‬ ‭NLT

“The king was overjoyed and ordered that Daniel be lifted from the den. Not a scratch was found on him, for he had trusted in his God.”


King Darius’ high officers and administrators were all jealous of the favor Daniel received from the king. So they plotted a way they could bring Daniel down. But Daniel was a trustworthy, responsible, faithful, and God-fearing man. The administrators and high officers had no “dirt” on Daniel. The only way they could bring him down was to make a law that would conflict with Daniel’s religious beliefs. So the high officers and administrators convinced the king to sign a law that would require no one to pray to anyone, divine or human-except King Darius, for the next 30 days. Anyone caught breaking this law would be thrown into a lions’ den. Of course Daniel, being a devout God-fearing man, knew exactly Who he should fear and obey more. So Daniel continued with his life as usual. He continued to pray 3 times a day, giving thanks to God, and asking God for guidance in the circumstance he now found himself in.


God provides His favor and protection to those who fear and obey Him.

God’s favor was with Daniel from the very beginning. God blessed Daniel with wisdom and the ability to interpret dreams. Daniel was able to find favor with the different kings of Babylon because of his talent and abilities. He was even put in high ranking positions and given great responsibilities from the kings; because even the kings would see the favor he received from God.

You think all these newfound blessings would change Daniel and make him prideful? Absolutely not! Daniel knew his gifts and favor came from God. And not even a law that was put in place to trap him, would stop Him from praying and giving thanks to God. Daniel knew He would rather obey God, than people. And because of Daniel’s faith, God blessed and protected him.

I am so encouraged by knowing that today. That even when the world was out to get Daniel, he held strong in his faith. And even when he was thrown into a lions’ den, God rescued him. “Not even a scratch was found on him.”

“My eyes are always on the Lord, for he rescues me from the traps of my enemies.” -‭‭Psalms‬ ‭25‬:‭15‬ ‭NLT‬‬

“If you respect and obey the Lord, that is like a spring of water that gives you life. It will keep you safe from death's traps.” -Proverbs‬ ‭14‬:‭27‬ ‭EASY‬‬

“Don’t be afraid of those who want to kill your body; they cannot touch your soul. Fear only God, who can destroy both soul and body in hell.” -Matthew‬ ‭10‬:‭28‬ ‭NLT‬‬

“Peter and the other apostles replied: “We must obey God rather than human beings!” -Acts‬ ‭5‬:‭29‬ ‭NIV‬‬


Father God, thank You for always having my back. Thank You for the favor that You have given me in life. I pray for the strength and courage to use that favor to influence others to know You too. May I be like Daniel, and be able to stand in the midst of lions, having the faith and courage knowing that You are with me, protecting me. In Jesus name I pray, Amen. 🙏🏽

-Moses Gaddi


Proverbs 21 - 10.17.23


Daniel 5 - 10.13.2023