Proverbs 21 - 10.17.23

SCRIPTURE:  Proverbs 21:30  "There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord."

OBSERVATION:  The prophet, Jeremiah declared:  "Let not the wise boast of their wisdom or the strong boast of their strength or the rich boast of their riches, but let the one who boasts boast about this: that they have the understanding to know Me." 

Even when an evil plan is being devised, God is more wise and more powerful to thwart it!  When people propose a plan that is not in line with God's will, it will not stand!

APPLICATION:  Fear is a powerful enemy of our faith and a strong deterrent to the believer's peace of mind.  Fear of war, terrorist attacks, disease and pollution can rob us of our trust in God, BUT GOD is our shelter and hiding place".  (footnotes: Isaiah 8:11-15 NIV Life Application Bible).

Because we serve the all-wise and most powerful God, we have no reason to fear what the world fears.  The Lord Almighty is the only One we are to fear because He is the One true God, and He alone is able to give us true inner peace, and is able to drive out all inappropriate fear that we may have in our heart's.  No matter what plans the enemy is trying to devise, they can't stand up against the wise plans and purposes of God!  

PRAYER:  Knowing that You are the all-wise and most powerful God gives me the confident assurance that I can go to You in prayer, any time, for any reason, understanding that even when the storms of life come, and troubles seem so overwhelming, and even when it appears that the enemy is winning... You have promised to lead me safely as I wholeheartedly follow after You.     

- Robin Orefice


Proverbs 22 - 10.18.23


Daniel 6 - 10.16.23